Charleston, WV – May 26, 2006
Broadcast Electronics (BE) has received orders for nine HD Radio systems and two booster systems from West Virginia Public Broadcasting, which operates the statewide West Virginia Public Radio service. Included are BE transmission and signal generation equipment for turnkey HD Radio conversion of all nine West Virginia Public Radio stations. HD Radio conversion of the stations is expected to take place before September 2006. At that time, the pubcaster will broadcast the main channels. The HD Radio transmission systems are multicast-compatible for additional multicast channels later.
The broadcaster is interested in commencing HD Radio transmissions as a way to combat the difficult terrain of West Virgina. “Early studies indicate that converting to digital will reduce or eliminate reflective noise from signals bouncing off hills,” said Bill Acker, director of broadcasting and technology for West Virginia Public Broadcasting.
The transaction was handled by Ernie Vincent of SCMS, Charlotte, NC. Separate antenna configurations are being used for seven of the nine conversions, as well as one high-level and one low-level combined configuration. For the project, Vincent specified Shively 6812B series antennas.
In a separate order, West Virginia Public Broadcasting purchased two BE FXI 60 digital FM exciters that will be synchronized to main broadcast signals as fill-in for low-lying areas in West Virginia.
Since 1963, Shively Labs has been supplying FM broadcast antennas, filters, combiners, and related equipment to worldwide markets. Shively Labs is a leading innovator and supplier to the new HD Digital Radio™ market. Shively Labs is a division of Howell Laboratories, Inc. a Bridgton, ME company celebrating its tenth year of Employee Ownership.